ARG 2024

After a year, our fraternity was able to participate in another ARG – Annual Regional Gathering – in Ridgecrest, NC. The weekend was filled with spiritual, social, and educational gatherings. Thanks to all who contributed and participated in this beautiful event. From Liturgy, board, banner, snacks, Eucharistic adoration, social, presentations, … Continue Reading →

Rite of Admission

We have 3 new Candidates!Praise the Lord! We were blessed that Lisa, Carrey and Drew became our newest candidates. Thanks to David R, Deacon Tom, Margi and all that were involved in forming these 3 new candidates to become so far. Peace and all good!

ARG 2023

Another year – another great ARG in the Ridgecrest NC! Thanks for all who helped in any way – with the display table, goodies, adoration room and the liturgy, and all participants, deacons with the mass. Thanks to the Regional council for organizing this event and giving us a space … Continue Reading →

Profession – June 2023

We are glad to welcome five new OFS members that professed in June. Welcome, congrats, and God bless! Thanks all that participated in formation, planning, mass, celebration, and being there for the newly professed. Also thanks to the Region for providing the cake. It was delicious! Start by doing what … Continue Reading →

Profession Retreat in Maggie Valley

Thanks to Deacon Tom, candidates and all other participants that helped for this weekend to be filled with prayer and reflecting on profession.

Greccio Celebration

Our Fraternity celebrated Christmas with the Greccio. If you would like to read more, please follow this link: After the celebration with our families and friends we shared delicious food and time together. Have a blessed day!

Season of Creation 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to thecry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect our commonhome.The Season “Celebration” begins on 1 September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care … Continue Reading →

ARG 2022

Thanks all that helped to prepare and support this ARG. I think we had a great time and and we got a lot of blessings by attending this annual gathering. Congrats to Margi for becoming a Regional Councilor for Area 1. See you there next year! Beautiful Black Mountain area … Continue Reading →

Meetings During COVID

Since the beginning of 2020, our meetings have changed greatly. After the initial phase we decided to do online only meetings. Later we switched to a hybrid online/in person meetings. People who travel, are sick, or are afraid to join in person, are allowed to join us online. Here are … Continue Reading →

Greccio – Have a Blessed Christmas!

Greccio Jesus embraced both “the humility of the Incarnation and the charity of the Passion” because he came to love us by becoming one of us. Love was the reason for the Incarnation. And love is what Francis wanted to celebrate at Greccio by telling the people of the village … Continue Reading →