Formation Friday September 18, 2020 – Graphic attached
What is at the CORE of Franciscan life and spirituality? Take a look at what was important to St. Francis. There you will find a good roadmap. The words and ideas below are exemplified by our Seraphic Father. Have you noticed how often they are repeated in initial and ongoing formation? (Not necessarily in order of importance.)
· The INCARNATION– the CRIB–we think of the humility of God, of His self-emptying. Francis was in awe of the Incarnation. Meditate on the story of Francis creating the first Nativity scene at Greccio.
· The CROSS – is the sign of God’s love made concrete. What do we see/experience when we GAZE on the cross? Meditate on Francis’s experiences with the Cross of Christ.
· The EUCHARIST- CHALICE/CIBORIUM –– “O sublime humility! O humble sublimity! The Lord of the universe, God and the Son of God, so humbles Himself that for our salvation He hides Himself
under an ordinary piece of bread!” (St. Francis-Letter to the Entire Order)
· TRINITY Franciscan life focuses on the Trinity. Francis saw that God is so generous that his love not only flows among the persons of the Trinity, it overflows to us. And we participate in the life of the Trinity.
· CONTEMPLATION – We spend time with Jesus, and we LISTEN; we desire not only to imitate him. Our goal is to be TRANSFORMED so that we are like him from the inside out.
· CONVERSION/METANOIA – We are people of penance-This means that we strive for daily spiritual improvements and changes that will bring us closer to Christ. “Let us begin, for up to now, we have done little…” (St. Francis quoted in The Life of Blessed Francis: FA:ED, vol. 2, p. 640 by St. Bonaventure)
· CREATION/CREATURES – God is absolute LOVE, BEING AND CREATIVITY. Francis saw all creation as being marked with the imprint of the Father. Creation is God’s great gift and is dependent on Him to exist.
· RELATIONSHIP– Francis saw the relationship of the Father and the Son through the love of the Holy Spirit. We are in relationship with God, our brothers and sisters and with all of creation – UNIVERSAL KINSHIP.
· FRATERNITY springs from the relationship we have with God, our brothers and sisters and all creation. “The Lord gave me some brothers…” (St. Francis)
· CHARISM – Like St. Francis, we strive to make Christ present in the world by living the Gospel in HUMILITY and SIMPLICITY. As Secular Franciscans, we do this while living in the world. “The Rule and life of the Secular Franciscans is this…” (OFS Rule: Article 4)
· SCRIPTURE – In order to live the Gospel, we need to make it part of our lives through reading, meditation and study. “…going from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel.” (OFS Rule: Article 4)
· TRANSFORMATION – We use the gifts God has given us to become more Christlike. The Divine Spark never changes. We cooperate with the grace given us, and we become conformed to Christ.
· PRAYER – none of this is possible without prayer. We pray together, we pray alone, we pray with our voices, we pray silently and without words. (Our prayer is liturgical, personal and communal)