Thanks all that helped to prepare and support this ARG.
I think we had a great time and and we got a lot of blessings by attending this annual gathering.
Congrats to Margi for becoming a Regional Councilor for Area 1.
See you there next year!

Beautiful Black Mountain area of the Ridgecrest, NC.

Dorothy Ann, and the new members of the BSSF Regional Council from left to right are: Zubair Simonson, OFS, treasurer; Lee Cunningham, OFS, Area 3 Councilor; Betti Longinotti, OFS, (front), Area 3 councilor; Gabrielle Cruz-Uribe, Area 1 Councilor (back); JC Liu, OFS, Area 2 Councilor; Margi Williams, OFS, Area 1 Councilor; Lynn Oeser, formation director; Mary Sacavage, OFS, Secretary; Martha Roman, OFS, vice-minister; Becky Bresnahan, Area 2 Councilor; and Ellen Ferrone, OFS, minister.