Greccio – Have a Blessed Christmas!

Greccio Jesus embraced both “the humility of the Incarnation and the charity of the Passion” because he came to love us by becoming one of us. Love was the reason for the Incarnation. And love is what Francis wanted to celebrate at Greccio by telling the people of the village … Continue Reading →

Advent Reflections

Advent and Christmas Reflections 2021The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago are happy to share the Catholic Healthcare Association’s annual Advent and Christmas reflections. This year the CHA provided weekly reflections throughout the season of Advent for … Continue Reading →

ARG 2021

After 2 years, we were able to meet our regional brothers and sisters again in Ridgecrest, NC. Link to the regional ARG materials:

Plenary Indulgence, Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula August 2nd

Today’s feast of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula and its associated indulgence is a way to focus on the importance of Mary and the Franciscan tradition in the Church, said one friar. The Aug. 2 feast is found in the Franciscan tradition, and marks the dedication of the … Continue Reading →

Prepare for Pentecost

On PentecostMay the Peace that only Christ can give be with us all. Let us pray togetherfor that peace, and for unity, in our homes, in our fraternities, in our Church,in our country and in our world. Come, Holy Spirit!On Pentecost all the brothers used to gather for a chapter … Continue Reading →

Chapter of Elections – January 2021

Our Fraternity met after a long time in person to hold an Chapter of Elections in January 2021. Since the Covid-19 restrictions, we could not use our common meeting rooms in St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, so we met in Hilton Garden Inn’s meeting room in Johns Creek. (Thanks to Ken … Continue Reading →

CORE of Franciscan life and spirituality

Formation Friday September 18, 2020  – Graphic attached What is at the CORE of Franciscan life and spirituality? Take a look at what was important to St. Francis. There you will find a good roadmap. The words and ideas below are exemplified by our Seraphic Father. Have you noticed how … Continue Reading →

Francis’s Vision And The Stigmata Of The Crucified

At Christmastime in 1223, Francis participated in an important ceremony when he celebrated the birth of Jesus by recreating the manger of Bethlehem at a church in Greccio, Italy. This celebration demonstrated his devotion to the human Jesus, a devotion that would be rewarded in most dramatic fashion in the following year. In the summer of 1224, … Continue Reading →

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – Sep 1st.

Greetings, dear Franciscan Family!I pray this finds you well and filled with the Lord’s peace.“The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,The world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seasAnd established it upon the rivers.”  (Psalm 24:1-2) It is that time again. September 1st is World Day of Prayer … Continue Reading →

OFS Profession and Right of Admission

Congratulations to our four new OFS professed members, and to our new candidate! Lord, make me an instrument of your peaceWhere there is hatred, let me sow loveWhere there is injury, pardonWhere there is doubt, faithWhere there is despair, hopeWhere there is darkness, lightAnd where there is sadness, joy Videos … Continue Reading →